Sunday 21 February 2010

Sublime the blind parade


11,0002? Yep.


  1. who have you decapitated?
    (btw. like the simple one-frame composition)


  2. Let the cheery bugger be happy while he can. Soon he'll realise that his dog is on 'Reconcile' and that there's no such thing as calorie-free biscuits. Then he'll turn as sour and grouchy as the rest of us :)

  3. i suppose i must be 12,000 by now and not easy to be around right now.

  4. when will he realise that his dog is swallowing all his vomit...could be handy

    or that he is swallowing all his dog's projectile vomit...

  5. It's *meant* to be a dishcloth they're playing with. I spent about 20 minutes trying to work out what would be a suitable colour to render this effect.

    I maybe should have spent the time making the dishcloth look more dishcloth-y.

  6. it could be a very very cropped small top... each with a sleeve in their mouth...

  7. Or a baby's nappy, which Snuffles has dragged in from the trash-can, with a lovely 3-day old turd to be deposited on their fun loving feet as they pull it Christmas-Cracker like apart?

  8. Maybe it's a handkerchief they stole from the decapitated man because they're actually murdering psychopaths, and their happiness is just a front to convince the parents that they're 'normal'.

  9. Happiness as an elaborate defence mechanism. Like it.

  10. having killed the resident clown I guess they had to make their own entertainment.

  11. The clown is of course a metaphor for the Spontaneous Joy we kill in our hearts as soon as it arises, aka: TODESTRIEB (always sounds better in German).

    [BTW: I've just made that guff up, but vaguely plausible, no?)

  12. Happiness as an elaborate defence mechanism. Like it.

    haha 'Like it' ....or else?

  13. we all have severed heads sitting about on our side tables. really. metaphorically at least. thanks for finally noticing and, more importantly, putting it out there for us.

    mucho love-o

  14. That Chick is not only Blissful she is eternally Wise!

    I had not considered the metaphorical severed head on my side table. Now I'll be busy for the next 8-10 hours. Pondering.
