Actually, the good breast should be doing its persecuting by itself too.
The whole point is that the baby gets all fucked up with the duality of tit/ma and projects good stuff into the one breast and bad into the other.
I realise as I type this that this is a rather cack-handed summation of Melanie Klein's 'Mourning and its Relation to Manic Depressive States' - a real humdinger of an essay if you ever get the chance to read it.
It's curious that the "bad breast" acts alone, but I suppose there's some metaphorical reason for it.
Actually, the good breast should be doing its persecuting by itself too.
The whole point is that the baby gets all fucked up with the duality of tit/ma and projects good stuff into the one breast and bad into the other.
I realise as I type this that this is a rather cack-handed summation of Melanie Klein's 'Mourning and its Relation to Manic Depressive States' - a real humdinger of an essay if you ever get the chance to read it.
If the baby is bottle fed from birth does it have the same good bottle-bad bottle problems? Plastic versus glass? Plain versus Disney-decorated?
I like the one with the whip.
I have had a similar thought elizt.
I think the little tyke will just project its hateful dagger eyes on something else in the vicinity.
Rubber. Plastic. Fur.
A sexual perversion in the making.
you were bottle fed!!
The perils of having one's mother on one's blog.
I was brought up in a family of Kleinian psychoanalysts...
Brazilian Kleinians?
Hard to imagine.
You can NEVAH escape your mother! With her lovely seductive bottles.
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