That said. One of the lecturers, a Gestalt-trained analyst on my psychotherapy MA was telling us last week that he'd had seven years of therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (he'd had an unpleasant episode with an empty yoghurt pot as a teenager) and then he went and had three sessions of EMDR and was 'cured'.
bet everyone is frantically doing the test now.
i'm 24...(not in years though...sigh).
yahoo, let's boogie!
word verification is: dealings
(guess that means - whatever your score, deal with it!)
by the way, i was, when i said "my crazy, your crazy" speaking in the possessive. so. i can spell.
my word veri is diess. huh
I have a tiny little screw driver that'll fix it all.
Ah, if only. If only.
That said. One of the lecturers, a Gestalt-trained analyst on my psychotherapy MA was telling us last week that he'd had seven years of therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (he'd had an unpleasant episode with an empty yoghurt pot as a teenager) and then he went and had three sessions of EMDR and was 'cured'.
So maybe a small screwdriver will do.
and this:
empathy empathy empathy...
unless I've misread, mismatched or misunderstood, this lack of empathy(x3) you speak of is what I know best of you...
If I were to describe the mostly virtual you I know, I would not only repeat it three times but I'd put it in bold caps...
perhaps I am confusing the pill with the person here.
it happens.
unless I've misread, mismatched or misunderstood, this lack of empathy(x3) you speak of is what I know best of you...
I said this I need to rewrite?
I know what I mean.
It's all where you fall on the continuum .....
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