“Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom” (Schopenhauer)
I think Schopenhauer would have also liked the following quote: "If you use a physical regimen like Bikram yoga to punish yourself for being alive, at some point the body will rebel."
I like this one.
I really mean it.
You have just made my sore-back, lying on the floor groaning and grimacing day, Jeannette.
Bless you.
jeanette! perfect!!!
If you and Jeanette get married, can I be a bridesmaid?
I would really like to be there throwing rice, or something.
I wanna be the flower girl?
This is very deja-vu.
Has not the idea of me marrying Jeannette already been mooted at some point?
You'll have to hurry, I received one proposal already this week.
I dont know if we can get married, though. Id have to carry around one of those electronic dictionaries, like my students do.
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