Was doing some marking today, listening to the latest Pavement wannabes, trying very hard to get my ears in sync with the hype. Sort of into-it-not-into-it, wanting it to be more than it was: which was average. So during a coffee break, I clicked on an oldie-but-goodie I haven't listened to for ages because I seem to spend so much time trying to keep up with the Next New Big Thing. A metaphor here. And as the pleasure of the familiar music coursed up and down my spine bringing tears to my eyes, I decided to break the habit of a lifetime and post something 'happy' and dare I say it, wholly life-affirming on Prozacville. Apologies dear readers. Normal service will be resumed shortly.
There's nothing like a favourite tune to make you happy! Until it gets boring.
new space, new mindset? mebbe?
that's my boy....sigh....
i'll drink to that
There is nothing funny about being happy
ah the lure of a life-affirming paradox...makes me feel all a flutter
find a home<>run away
That's me the last year, no more chasing the elusive next indie rock star, just Mariah, Beyonce, Lauren Hill and anything I used to roll my eyes to when my mom turned it on.
All of today's new music is just re-hashing of bteer things. I, too, remain unimpressed with What the Kids Listen to These Days.
Such a good point!
Do you like the SM & the Jicks?
I'm a big Pavement fan. Thought Malkmus by himself would be just as good, even better. (Surely he *was* Pavement?)
Turns out that no man is an island. And Steve Malkmus ain't Pavement.
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