I'd be interested to know how YOU dear commentators would describe Prozacville to a vaguely interested party.
I might even be able to use your puff in a book pitch that I plan to soon make to this Publishing Company for a Prozacville Guide To Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex, Death and Depression (But Were Too Depressed To Ask) aimed at the 3+ Years market.
It's the zen koan "what anti-depressant pill does one prescribe for an anti-depressant pill?"
Oh boy! You really want to know what we think?
O.K., deep breath...
Not being exposed to much diversity in real life (more so in books) I see you as a "Phillip Roth" type character, maybe partly because you are Jewish, but not totally. I'm still trying to figure out the Jewish thing, anyway. Not only do i associate you with Phillip Roth but John Irving (check out the recurring themes in this Wikipedia article on John Irving novels.)maybe because Roth & Irving are what I've been reading since I got acquainted to your blog. But, I've always loved gallows humor ever since I heard the pun, "No noose is good noose." when I was about thirteen & just realizing life was a tragic comedy. Puberty does that to a person.
Anyway for me, that is the cord you strike with your cartoon & your music links.
everyone loves a psyche brawl.
utterly brilliant.....and i should know.
I have wondered about it but given up on the idea. Any vaguely interested party would just look at me funny.
It's a side effect.
Comics for psychoanalytically-oriented geeks. (which is why I come here!)
For me Prozacville is a prescription one prescribes for themselves.
Almost like a catch the neurosis if you can kinda game of tag.
sumo for the intregrally jejune
the 3+ market is a mistake. the real money is in the morbidly-depressed 18-24 month old demographic, i.e., purchasing power via the Power of Drool.
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