He fastens on you till he reads you dead, /And like a leech, voracious of his food, /Quits not his cruel hold till gorged with blood
Everyday on the bus I go past Blood Brothers Tattoo parlour. Sometimes I think of Franko B and sometimes I think of Gina Pane. But for some reason, I never think of getting a tattoo myself.
I saw a Gilbert and George documentary where they were collecting there poo in small containers and storing them in the fridge just so they could compare the aesthetics of shit.
Very Gilbert and George image.
Tattoos always remind me of Auschwitz prisoner numbers.
I saw a Gilbert and George documentary where they were collecting there poo in small containers and storing them in the fridge just so they could compare the aesthetics of shit.
Tattoos always remind me of sailors.
Tatoos remind me of bad-ass Brooklyn boys, all tough and buff
I am glad that tattoos remind you of things. They mainly remind me of...tattoos.
i'd like to get a tattoo, but wouldn't know where to put it.
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