Thanks to everyone who voted for my Michael Jackson FUN? monument over at Bustler/Archinect. If you'd never heard of the competition, that's because you didn't see the international coverage of it in...um, Turkey.
Things got a little bit sticky on the Comment's Board at one point, when it looked like I might actually carry away the much coveted glow-in-the-dark T-shirt, but in the end it was won by this young lady.
Shouldn't this post really be called 'I love jew more?'
For a bunch of anti-semites, they're very semitic-looking, them Turks....
Pretty shocking.
Bustler should run a new competition: TLJJE.
Plenty of SHJs (self-hating Jews) would enter that one.
I was hoping more for an 'ah' (pitying, or even eureka-like).
Sorry that jew did not win.
I did vote for jew, though.
Maybe next time?
To be fair, she is MUCH better looking than you
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