Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Overstanding is the key


For those of you who can't be arsed (or don't have the flexibility of spine) to crane your neck 180º to read the upside-downness of this, you can check things out from Prozac's perspective by clicking here.


Jeannetto said...

Yay, I can read upsidedown!

Unknown said...

don't try this at home

soulbrush said...

i never knew you could do that, you are sooo clever.

Tami Cohen said...

i love it when you get all yoga on our asses. sigh.

switch said...


Louise said...

Thanks for your comments over on my bloggie.
Yours rocks...love cartoons.

Just for the record - my hair is red too...well, reddish.

Steve said...

Gingas (I mean, redheads, gulp) forever.

Maybe that should be a strapline for the site?