"Faeces, penis and baby, are all three solid bodies; they all three, by forcible entry or expulsion, stimulate a membraneous passage, i.e. the rectum and the vagina, the latter being as it were 'taken on lease' from the rectum." (Sigmund Freud, On Transformation of Instincts as Exemplified by Anal Eroticism)
In this essay, Freud suggests that a baby, a gift, a penis, money and faeces are all "ill-distinguished from one another" and "easily interchangeable". Common sense really.
sorry about the delete... i thought i might be getting too graphic.
btw, i love the way you brits spell stuff. i keep seeing "faces" where clearly you are saying "feces"
You can never get too graphic on a graphic (comic) blog, innit.
The perception of one's own face in a lump of turd, narcissus gone icky. There's an academic paper in there somewhere.
sigh. ok, prozac, you asked for it. basically, i had said, in a longer and more convoluted way, that i wouldn't want to be fucked by a turd. so no, i don't think they're all interchangeable bodies.
I wonder what Freud would say about the innate satisfaction of harvesting root crops...say digging potatoes or pulling carrots.
or perhaps I've missed the point. I think maybe I have.
excuse me, my skewing.
I am glad you are wanting faeces/feces nowhere near your genitalia, Ms Frute.
The interesting thing I found when doing some image 'research' for this drawing was the different kinds of pictorial data that emerges dependent on which word you feed into the search engine.
I wanted to remind myself what a 'comic-book' steaming pile of pooh looked like and I got this when I googled 'turd'.
'Shit' on the other hand, started eliciting coprophilic stuff. And 'pooh' rather disappointingly for my purposes, was pure Winnie.
I think the man who canned the shit rocks harder, Ms Frute.
You could smell it, even through the display case at the Manzoni show at the Tate some years ago. Showed with Yves Klein, very memorable.
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