Some people worry about how many more springsummerautumnwinters they'll experience in their lifetime; I worry about how many more Big Brother Summers I will have to endure.
It's good to know that Freud had BB sussed. In a little known essay written in 1915 ('Topography and Dynamics of Human Misery as a Generator of The Entertainment For The Masses') he wrote:
'The nucleus of this form of entertainment consists of instinctual representative which seek to discharge their cathexis; that is to say, it consists of wishful impulses. These instinctual impulses are co-ordinate with one another, and are exempt from mutual contradiction. When two wishful impulses whose aims must appear to us incompatible become simultaneously active, the two impulses to do not diminish each other or cancel each other out, but combine to form an intermediate aim, a compromise.'
Move over Dr Tomas Chamorro Premuzic (know in the trade as Prose Muzak)!
To quote Prosemuzak on the wedding task: "Desire is usually good and can lead us to accomplishments, but obsession is always bad." Thank God you're around to point that out to us Dr Tomas. You can see why he became a psychologist and not a psychoanalyst - he's about as subtle as Big Brother Contestant.
Funky name though.
i don't know if obsession is always bad... d'ya think?
and just say no to the tv. i only see cocks sucked if ... oh well no one wants to hear this ...
Well clearly not. Obsession fuels this little venture, and perhaps a lot of what is most interesting in our lives.
I deliberately chose one of Prosemuzak's more banal analyses of the housemate's relationships to underscore his own trudging, pschological banality.
I think you should audition for next season
If I can't increase the eyeballs on Prozacville (currently about 200 a day), I might just have to.
We all have an insatiable need to be seen/heard (the cry of the infant, never stilled) - some of us though, and I think bloggers are up there with Reality TV Contestants AKA 'Freaks'- have it really quite bad.
ok i never thought of that, prozac. but then, artists are that way too. love me love me love me i'm not good enough, do you really like me?
(me being my work)
how can you tell how many people are looking? at the blog? i have much to learn
Or five people , each checking back forty times.
That's getting into the downer-spirit of things, ElizT.
speaking of downers... i am apparently too retarded to get statcounter to work on my blog. old blogger new blogger i have no idea wtf they're talking about. me = ginormous retard
send me your email address and I'll see if I can help you out
to send: myheartismadeofgravy at gmail.com
orangefrute88 says "I'm just a helpless girly"
Mr P says "Let me help you out young lady. Give me your Email for a more private chat"
Even a dog like me knows a little phychology.
I like this one.
I like puppets.
That is one way of looking at it.
Another way of looking at it is human being P. trying to help human being O. get more out of their blogging experience.
Take your pick, Baggel.
I'm still pondering the comment a newscaster made about someone...."well, THERE is someone who needs attention...." she was probably just jealous that this person was attention whoring for free.
"Attention whoring for free". That should be the definitive definition for blogging, if the OED were ever to look for one.
baggelboy is just jealous, prozac, he wants you all to himself
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