I am very excited at the moment by the new Mozza video: basically him cavorting around his LA garden with his bruised, glowering, National Front eye-candy bovver-boys (aka The Band).
Roland Barthes would have a field day with The Tambourine As Signifier in this video.
Watch how he uses it as a baton, a frame, a peephole, pacemaker, a camera-lens, a hula-hoop, a discus, a bolt of lightening (Zeus!), a flyswatter, a punching bag, a crown, a matador's cape, a ring-master's cane, a shield, a security blanket, an ersatz vagina (notice the fluttering, masturbatory fingerwork), and of course, a, um, tambourine!
Please don't do that.
Get. It. Out!
The drummer is the star in that video.the fat singer is useless.
a cock anyday, but a dancing monkey....oooOOoo
If you say it really quickly it sounds like 'comunctuous', which according to the OED is 'the state when semen starts to dry, taking on a slightly tacky quality'
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