Went to the Hunga Munga festival today.
Much inspired by Nad's recent foray into jewellery-making, I decided to create my own line of cheap and cheerless necklaces made from cardboard and poster paint.

Note that these pieces look good on wo/man and dog alike.

Note that these pieces look good on wo/man and dog alike.
snuffles is sooo bored!!
oap(old age pensioner)power!! (that's me!)
Snuffles is doing her best Kill Oasis Pout (for more on that: pleasekilloasisnow.com).
OAP POW stands for Old Age Pensioner = Prisoner of War. But I guess without one's bifocals it's hard to see that.
i LOVE THESE!!! you didn't do a frute one, mine shall say "bliss follows me goddammit" ok? too many words. um, how about just "fruit, ACK", to quote the late great bill the cat. or or maybe "FA-Q"?
i can't make out what the one worn by mr mesh shirt is wearing.
It says "I'm a slapper". Not because the lovely gentleman (also one of my colleagues) is, I hasten to add, but mainly because he's a keyboard player for this group
The mesh shirt was knitted by him. He's a multi-talented dude.
Poor little snuffs.
I think you could sell these and make a fortune.
cardboard..it's the perfect element.
i'd buy one, as long as it was vulgar and offensive.
Sounds like a mouse from a Beatrix Potter story but no.
Where's the tiara?
I'm working on a diamond encrusted version
How Damien Hirst of you.
(I think if I had four bullets, I'd kill three members of Oasis, but keep one bullet for Mr Hirst. I'd let Chris Sharrock, the Oasis drummer go free. Simply because I believe that it's cruel to harm the insensate beasts of field and floor toms.)
sigh. now i have to listen to oasis and see what all the hating is about. sigh
I tried not to-I really really tried.....I'm still trying.....but it isn't going to work....LLOOOOOOOOOOKIE at how cute Snuffles ISSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Whew, I feel better.
debra kay rocks!!!!
whew, now i too feel better.....
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