"We both know that love will die at last, turn tepid and perfunctory, decline into mere companionship and affection, if there is not cruelty in it. Not physical harm or violence, but cruelty. The cruelty of loss. Of dread. Of jealousy. Whatever the counselling professions tell us about trust, where we are not jealous, we are not in love at all. Othello was within his rights, though it is not fashionable to say so, to claim he loved too well. His mistake was not to see that suffocating his wife was not the best way to express it. Inviting Cassio to his bed would have been the infinitely preferable option for all parties."
(Howard Jacobson, The Act Of Love, p285)
jimbo reminds me of a twat i used to know
Ha Ha! This is where I rub my fingers together like a tiny little violin.
You give her some of the best lines!
maybe you should stop pining for something you can't have mr p...sigh...
I am beginning to think procreation is nothing but a big ego boost. I didn't realize it when I was procreating, but it's all clear to me now, when it's too late to unprocreate....and I wouldn't even if I could. No, we set things in motion and they take on lives of their own-but a child is only one form of that process. Time to think outside the vagina Mr. P!
When death does the sound effects for the punchline, you know everything is going to work out for the best.
Boom Boom...Ba da dum..whichever. It's all in the delivery.
yea and 'coo-ee??' wha? I been sitting here saying it softly to myself.. waiting for lightening to strike. Nada.
how did i miss the soundtrack on my initial visit???? great. now i have to watch the whole movie. again.
You're BEGINNING to think procreation is nothing but a big ego boost?!
Oh well, better late than never.
(But then, isn't CREATION, all of it, even asinine cartoons in bloggy format, just a big ego boost. Isn't getting up in the morning and brushing one's hair just a big ego boost? Even fucking suicide is just a big ego boost. Or at least ego-connected. The final big Ego Boost.)
is there something wrong with a big ego boost?
seems like in moderation it'd be ok...even really good..possibly fucking joyful.
but maybe I am mistaken.
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