I think I've finally understood the notion of 'buying votes' in exchange for tax breaks.
As a wavering Labour-man, not particularly wowed by the dour, at times beige Scot that is Mr Brown (albeit respecting his impeccable intellectual credentials), I suddenly find myself getting wood whenever he appears on the box and will most certainly be selecting him and his party in the next election.
Might this have something to do with the fact that I am just about to buy a property and that Gordo has knocked £1,500 off my purchase price?
Here's to Gordo, eh, Prozac!
If you're looking to buy, I've just put mine on the market.
I'd invite you to my mother-of-a-house-warming, but I'll probably blow the lot on nappies and Star Wars Lego.
Santa does exist, children. He's a jolly old man. And Scottish.
I don't understand what "buying votes" are and haven't an inkling about "stamp duty holidays" and I don't even know what kind of party might be called a "stonker"..but congrats on the property buying in progress...
wait..wait.. is there no property?
Szollosy - not a good time to be selling. You're obviously expecting the wee one to grow into a creature befitting the word 'strapping'.
Fernsky, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
property owners are hot
Even when they own properties the size of matchboxes?
That said, I don't need much space, being a pill and all...
May I carry you over the threshold?
As long as you're also happy to carry out the 'manly duties' with regard to the bride.
Something tells me though that Gordo will probably only need shagging about once or twice a year. Perhaps on his birthday and Burns night.
Bonzer news!
You can fit your stonker in a match box?
small properties are the best. their owners are usually the hottest.
Yes small is good, with regard to property. Affordable is better!
But it's all relative to the location.
i've seen it and it's stonking good!
It's a fucking excellent location. About a minute away from a Morrison's Supermarket. I like Morrison's, the only supermarket in the land to sell offal in their Meat section. Fact.
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