"We possess, as it seems, a certain amount of capacity for love -what we call libido...directed towards our own ego. Later, though still at a very early time, this libido is diverted from the ego onto objects, which are thus in a sense taken into our ego. If the objects are destroyed or if they are lost to us, our capacity for love (our libido) is once more liberated....But why is it that this detachment of libido from it objects should be such a painful process is a mystery to us....We only see that libido clings to its objects and will not renounce those that are lost....Such then is mourning."
(Freud, On Transience, 1915)
no WAY
love? libido? liberation?
la la la...
I like 'Who Needs You' sung by Aretha Franklin.
Freud thought too much. His granddaughter or great granddaughter was in my 3rd grade class, she was rather repressed if I remember correctly. I call it repressed but maybe she was just proper, with combed hair and a nice dress and I was always rather messy.
I don't like Jules' pink shoes. Showoff-y.
How interesting (I wonder which part of the Freud brood she was related to).
I think Jules looks quite fetching in pink (bikini,high heels, whatever), but then I dressed her thus. She's not a 'real' person you know, Mim.
There is no JULES?
(If nothing else, I get points for my willingness to appear completely stupid on the WWW).
I think a lot of what we lump under love and such is learned behavior...we are just robots, doing what our parents and their parents programmed us to do.
Love is overrated.
No Stephanie, no Jules!
No Prozac?
It's all clearly a sham. Or not. As is so much in life, eh, elizt?
wham bam, thank you sham.
or not.
Less wham bam, thank you, ma'am.
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